While Maine boomers panic over the possibility that an illegal immigrant, or college student, might vote in their rural village American heroes like Lucas Gage and Nick Fuentes are targeted for murder by the most powerful media institutions in human history.  Unlike many, if not most, online social media accounts these men refuse to hide.  They speak their opinions boldly using their Real Identification.  And evil men like Elon Musk refuse to employ their immense technical power to simply erase home addresses from their platforms.  They do this knowing that Fuentes home state, Illinois, created a law against doxxing.  It really helps to be the world’s richest weirdo.

What is going on?

There is an obvious strategy behind the apparent chaos.  Only one government can save humanity.  The one nation that has the power and authority to save all humanity is Israel.  And they will do so by occupying most of the Middle East, building their third temple, and defeating Gog and Magog (Russia and Iran).  Like the hidden hand in a silk glove America’s fingers point in whatever direction Israel decides.  To be more accurate, and gain a more precise understanding of the problem, ponder the abstract historical/philosophical argument in this book.

For nearly nineteen hundred years Christianity developed in the West as the religion that fulfilled the Old Covenant (the Old Testament).  Christianity existed apart from judaism in a unique Western way characterized by ingesting on a daily basis — through liturgy, ritual and culture — the ideas of the Gospel, or New Covenant (the New Testament).  The history is fascinating, and helpful, in gaining a fact based understanding of the development of Western Civilization.  Always a minority everywhere they exist jews managed to inflame tensions in their majority Christian neighborhoods countless times since they murdered their own Messiah, Jesus Christ.  They were forcibly removed over a hundred times.

Does Maine’s Voter ID Referendum Serve Their Interests?

I’ve employed the political sledge hammer that Alex Titcomb and Laurel Libby now swing.  More than once I used the direct democracy political tool called the referendum to smash the Legislature’s hand.  Our coalition achieved short term success, but lost to manipulative monied interests in the end.  The exact same thing is happening with Alex and Laurel’s Voter ID referendum.  These campaigns happen because of money, lots of it.  There is absolutely nothing organic, or real, about them.  It is always out-of-state monied interests that make it possible to acquire the signatures, and then buy Maine’s two relatively cheap media markets, in the run up to the vote (if the Legislature chooses not to enact the referendum proposal without amendment).

The long term goal of the Voter ID referendum is obvious because it uses the photo ID as proof of identity.  This is the most popular artifact on the way to an embedded RFID chip (or similar biodigital mechanism) tied to a centralized global database that makes it possible to purchase goods and travel.

To prevail in the populist contests in which I was involved we were forced to build our argument on top of the super vague phrase, “sexual orientation.”  We objected to the category, the phrase.  Just like in wrestling, however, the adversary simply calculated the trajectory of our forward momentum, and put it to use to win their crusade.  In my case their ultimate target was civil marriage and pedophilia.  In Alex and Laurel’s case the enemy’s target is global digital Real ID that fuses your face with your digital identity.  Truth be told even this mechanism (photo ID) is now out dated because of everyone’s passion for a personal assistant powered by cloud dependent AI baked into phones, laptops and tablets.

There is a religion on earth that desires all of these wicked outcomes.  They don’t want it for themselves, and have organized themselves so that none of the “rules” apply to their minority “community.”  These “rules” that we spend lifetimes debating and fighting over apply exclusively to groups the supremacists call the haters, Christians, whites, colonizers, heteronormies etc.  These adversarial supremacists cling to a fictional narrative about an eighty year old horror and bludgeon you while they play the victim.

No entity known to man is better at weaponizing the “truth” against all that is good, true and beautiful.  That entity is satan.



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