I had the opportunity of making the acquaintance of Dr. Ann E. Gillies a few months ago by phone. it was a delight to have some time with her. The Canadian Christian is speaking out at increasing risk to her life.
What could possibly bring risk to her life in the nation just north of the “land of the free and the home of the brave” you ask. Believe it or not the risk is the result of her standing with the King of King Charles. That King’s name would be the King of all Kings … Jesus Christ. And legally the King of England bows to King Jesus, unlike in America where the name of the Sovereign of the Universe appears in no legal document. The closest we get is mentioning the “Creator” in our Declaration of Independence from England.
I digress.
Dr. Ann E. Gillies has two very important things going for her as she chooses to kiss the son lest He be angry — the formal obeisance of her nation to King Jesus, and her academic credentials. Oh, I know that Canada is demonstrating deep hostility toward Christianity right now. That’s temporary. There is no serious talk about England, or any of her subsidiaries like Canada, throwing off Christianity as their state religion.
This anchor within the veil of her tradition and legal structure will prove strong in time. It will be fearless Christian men and women like Dr. Gillies who resurrect England’s loyalty to King Jesus. What else is there after all?
I don’t ever see England choosing to follow King Charles should he wake up tomorrow morning and declare he’s Queen Michelle. No, the off-the-rails nineteenth century narcissism that characterizes our age is past it’s expiration date as a popular ideology. Reasoning together about religion is emerging as important to humans all across the world. Contrary to popular opinion God is NOT dead.
Dr. Gillies is equipped to reason. She’s got creds. She’s a member of the elite class of intellectuals who can speak effectively to the people, and her peers. Unlike so many of her colleagues, however, she has the courage to reason her way to justice based on truth.
But her greatest source of strength is her awareness of sin’s reality. She loves the pedophiles, “gays” and trannies who she criticizes using her reason. There isn’t a shred of hate toward them in her heart and soul. Only love resides there because of the eternal gratitude she feels toward God for having bled scarlet so that her sins could be washed white as pure driven Canadian snow. She knows that this forgiveness is available to every human at any time in their life.
This is the only sure foundation on which to build a completely successful life. Forgiveness. Love.
Take time to click on the image above and learn more about Dr. Ann E. Gillies. Support her Christian work and ministry.