My parents raised me as a Christian.  I spent my early years in Maryland.  I graduated from high school in Maine.  I deepened my commitment to Jesus Christ in my final year of attending government-run indoctrination centers.  These “institutions” are known to most as public schools.  There isn’t anything “public” about them anymore.  They are hard core socialist/communist indoctrination centers.  That is a subject for future posts.

I was drawn to a deepened commitment to the God of the universe by my girlfriend, Paulie.  I married her in 1982.  We have served Jesus Christ in public ministry since then.

My first assignment was leadership of a Christian community in Winthrop Maine.  While Paulie was giving me three sons I directed a community of up to as many 40 folks.  We were a mix of people able,  and unable, to function in society.  I learned much about Christian justice and grace in those years.

I went from there to the Christian Civic League of Maine.  I led that ministry for twenty years.

Through this website, public speaking and political activism I am continuing the mission that I so passionately advocated for while at the League.  The men who formed that ministry established three purposes in 1897.  I subscribe to all of them.

  1. To encourage all the people in good citizenship.
  2. To create good laws and provide for their impartial enforcement.
  3. To elect honest and competent public officials.

God graduated me from working on these principles in Maine only to thinking about them, and working for them, on a global stage.  He has opened many doors for work, activism, education and conversation all over the world.

I love working for Jesus.


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